Saturday, August 15, 2020

Yay CPW!

Yay CPW! CPW is finally over, which basically means Im back to sleeping again. I definitely had an awesome time hosting events for Burton Conner and getting to meet a lot of you, but it was exhausting- I lived in the Burton Conner TV Lounge. When one event was over Id clean up from it, take a 30 minute nap on one of the couches down there (during which time I dreamed about all of the things that needed to be done in the next x hours) and then set up for the next event. But, from what I hear, you guys had a good time, so at least it was all for a good cause. ;-) Unfortunately, I dont have many pictures of the weekend because of an unfortunate camera battery charger mishap (long story Ill tell you sometime). Luckily, however, our good friend Snively used my computer to clear his pictures off his camera memory card. My own personal motto, which I repeat to my friends often, is I dont judge, I just take pictures. In this case, I feel like it needs to be modified to I dont judge, I just post pictures. [This entry was brought to you by the following quote: I look forward to a time when Im not sleep-deprived and can argue with her without totally getting pwned, its ON Laura! in Bryans guest blog entry.] So now, I present to you, Snivelys real view of CPW. And now, to enjoy the interactive nature of the blogs. Its caption contest time! The person who submits the best interpretation of the following portrait of Snively and exchange between Keri and I will winumbragging rights. Or something. Caption Contest A: Caption Contest B: Coming soon: actual pictures of the awesome natural ice formation I saw on my most recent floor trip. 3 Conner 2!!!

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